Monday, September 15, 2008

The Big Three OH

It’s the 9th month of the year already!

I have officially turned 30 this year. I guess the mixed feelings are similar to PMS... I get emotional prior my big 30 birthday.

I decided to celebrate my 30th birthday by doing something different this year. instead of throwing a party like before, I was actually flying (in the airplane)from Cancun to Cuba on my birthday. The officer at the airport greeted me Happy Birthday!!! Ha you don't get that very often. It was an unforgettable 12-day on going celebration! We spent 6 days in Cancun, drove around the Yucatan Peninsula, and 6 days at Cuba. I told Paul i want to see a pyramid, something GREAT on my birthday! I have always wanted to visit Mayan's Ruins, Chitzen Nitza, Tulum are breath-taking. Of course Nothing better than laying on the beach, admiring the azure Carribean, and it was a memorable one.

Maybe the feeling is just a realization that I'm a grown-up now. When i was a kid, 30 was OLD! As a kid, you can't wait to be a teenager. In your teens, you can't wait to be an adult. At 18, you can't wait to be 21, but after that, no-one says they can't wait to be 30.

So i have reached the age of 30, my main thought is, " That's it? I am 30?"
So what's next?

I guess I genuinely feel like i haven't accomplished anything yet. Accomplished what? I don't know. Perhaps something that can bring out the "significant" me...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

December 2007

While we were driving to Stamford, Connecticut yesterday, Paul shared this interesting quotes with me....

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.” Joan Rivers quotes

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

72nd day of 2007

Life continues to move forward whether I am ready or not. While the one I love is constantly evolving whether I am evolving with him or not. Sometimes I even feel as if life itself is moving on without me. Why do I feel like I have no control over my life?

Monday, August 21, 2006

There is no place to find true love and contentment unless you have found such things in your own heart first. If you don't know what it feels like to feel love than how are you going to know when you've found it? The only way you are going to know is if you are truly in touch with your heart.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tons and tons of LoVes

This summer.... there is one more little step that i am still reaching for. Focusing on it too much? i need to sit back, not worry about that last hurdle instead....
and simply enjoy what i have right in front of me --- tons and tons of love

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Associate with heart?

Sometimes, change is necessary.... jobs, environement, pictures, boy fren...
i realized that in the past, my approach to relationships were based on feelings.
Decided relationships should be much more rational. Can this sudden change of
attitude detract from our happiness? or lead to much stronger, stable relationship?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Cranky man vs shoes

he found a quiet corner at the back......
while i shopped and fascinated by all the shoesssss
on every aisle.....
when shoes maniac met the cranky impatient man...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Real Motive?

I am discovering more and more interesting things about myself as the weeks/days go by. Is it true that if we are more in touch with our real motives, it will help us decide why we are doing what we are doing.... i need to unleash my spontaneity from this routines...

Friday, May 12, 2006



說起來﹐都已經叫作 “ 從前”。


忽然﹐ 很懷念從前﹐ 懷念自由自在揮霍青春的我。。。

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Recipe for happiness:

An insatiable curiousity, a joy of discovery, quick to forgive, hold no grudges, love without condition, stay loyal to the death, see the best and ignore the rest - wow, we can learn a lot from man's best friend!

- Nick Bolletieri
Tennis coach and founer of the Nick Bolletieri Tennis Association

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Be Warm, Affectionate but non-committal?

Why is the Words of Love could throw a guy off guard? He is not surprised, but he may not know how to respond. Are we capable to share our partner's feelings - but aren't used to onfronting our own emotions? When can we find the right words to express ourselves...
Opening your eyes to the truth is easier said than done. Have your head buried in the sand when it comes to love and romance... It will be hard for you to accept the truth because you are too scared of what it might mean for you and me. Sooner or later, you will have to pick your head up and face the elephant that is standing right in front of you.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Year Resolution?

Conflict is in store...
Embrace Conflicts & Drink more water in 2006

Sunday, December 18, 2005






   很多時候    ♡‧°∴°


Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Teddy Boy

Realistic or Practical

I receive some sort of windfall today. Should I consider buying myself some time to figure out what I really want to do with my life? If there is Meditation that would truly make me happy....

Friday, June 03, 2005


爱情没有承诺二字,如同我的任性自觉不带自私。在情爱世界中以一种松散的道德观约束自己的,向往心领神会的默契,笃信莎士比亚:“不说,才是最高境界。”八字箴言。是用情绪在行动,不若说是用感觉在思考, 明明是自我却解释是不世故。。。。。。

Wednesday, June 09, 2004



心若倦了 泪也干了 这份深情 难舍难了 
曾经拥有 天荒地老 已不见你 暮暮与朝朝 

很少有机会见到那个女人 她是那种 让人一眼难忘的人 
长长的头发 紧贴在细薄的双唇 怎么有人 美得如此不沾风尘 

偶然间我和她错身在走道 她低着头快步地移动双脚 
她又让我联想到一只小鸟 终生被囚禁在一座监牢 

*有一段时间 在夜里 闭上眼 偶尔也会听见 
 有点低沉 的一阵歌声 用一种很轻的口吻 反覆唱着 心中那一段 不去的伤痕 

#回忆过去 痛苦的相思忘不了 为何你还来 拨动我心跳 
 爱你怎么能了 今夜的你应该明膫 缘难了 情难了 

我是第一个和她说话的人 这也成为大楼里的八卦新闻 
听说那男人 有家世出身是豪门 她的身份 则是作他背后的女人 

如果是这样的关系太伤人 又为何要甘心的将自己绑捆 
当感情纠缠到难以放手 让多少有情人都为爱消沉 


终于第一次见到她的男人 靠着门外她的双肩微微抽动 
微暗的灯光 看不见脸上的表情 不知道今夜是否还会听见 她的歌声

Friday, May 28, 2004

愛情﹐本來就是問題的根源﹐快樂﹐本來就是一種奢侈的東西。兩種東西產生化學作用﹐如果給我選擇﹐ 我寧可不去擁有它。。。

Friday, May 14, 2004

What Do You Want?

What do I really want from my life? How do you know if you want it? Or do you want to run from it?
By the time we're old enough to make our own choices, most of us don't even know what we want. We've been going with the flow, following the rules, and drinking the Kool-Aid for so long that we've lost touch with our own deepest desires.
What's worse----we don't even know that we don't even know what we want.

Thursday, May 13, 2004



刚从失败的阴影中摆脱出来,就忙不跌的又扎到一种模糊的状态之中。人的态度,每一个时刻都是那么难以琢磨。 感情的复杂程度,比在求学的时候学习高等数学要难得多。

好想逃开这个环境,... 啊,我是一个不想面对压力的小孩

Monday, May 10, 2004


It annoys me to feel so vulnerable.....
Sometimes i wonder WHY is it so important for others to know the state of my heart right now? Can Intuition run deeper than logic? all i need is just some tender lovin' care....